Monday, August 24, 2009

My Sister's Confession

Marriage is supposed to be a new horizon, not a start of a miserable life with someone you chose to spend the rest of your life with. My older sister, ate ayza, was she wrong? How can I help her?

After class, i went to my sis' boarding house directly to watch 'MISS UNIVERSE 2009' and then stayed there until afternoon, and even night. I enjoyed my stay there because i am really fond of just lying down and watching telly, that's what killing my time, at the same time, i had my bonding with her and our friend, we laughed and laughed. So happy, life seems to be worry-less.

Yesterday, my ate borrowed me P500 worth of money to pay for her boarding house' rental. I think it wasn't supposed to be her responsibility. My ate has a one-year-old baby and a not-her-own husband(it's not her fault, she fell inlove with the wrong guy), i am sorry for being rude, my emotion this time is infact slightly anger and pity. I waited this night for her 'husband' because ate told me that he was going to pay me her debt.

He came, with a serious face. I hate to say but I saw no spark in his eyes already the time he saw my sister, unlike before that they were so sweet. I heard them talked about the debt and i played deaf while reading a book my ate recommended me. They were arguing about money, he said he has no money but it's actually 'kinsenas' and usually, he has already accepted his salary. But he has no money to give to ate. How was I? I wanted to cry for i pity my sister. It was very obvious that he's not telling the truth. Later that night, my ate went outside and called me, she cried when i caught her, she said, "i am sorry tak, i have nothing to do. Your kuya has no money really. Actually, I hate to accept the fact that everything has changed from the day yza(her baby) was born.. I did everything for him but look what he has done to me, i already admitted the truth that i can't be with him all the time because he has two family to feed, but atleast he would show some affection, it can help me forget that i was tired being alone all day.. he won't tell me the reality between the two of them(kuya and his real wife), though i was insisting.. you know tak, i am already ashamed of myself, i always borrow money to you but i can't pay back.. don't worry, next time, i will try my best not to borrow anymore."

I answered, "It's really fine to me to lend you some of my allowance because i really want to help.. i always planned to offer you but i was shy because i don't know what to say, don't worry ate, you can pay atleast a fourth or half of your debt, so that i can eat tomorrow..", then i prayed silently, "LORD, help my ate please..", i tried to keep my eyes dry but when the tears started to fall off my eyes, i suddenly felt ANGER yo the man who made my sister's life so miserable.."

My ate instructed me that after receiving the money, i can go home and leave them immediately so they can talk. And that's what i did, i went home, crying and praying.

Also, i have this fear inside me, what if this will happen to me too? Can i resist the pain? I don't think so.

But as God has promised, those who will have faith in him and live in accordance to his Word will be provided with all their needs. I won't stop praying and believing that all these trials would end up as a lesson to live life correctly, we all have our choices, that designs our life.

To ate: I love you ate, and I am willing to help you and be your friend in times of your sorrows. God bless you!