Monday, January 25, 2010

aLonE? nEveR !

For how many times that i posted on this blog site that I am lonely, sad and hurt, I think it's time to do something for a change.

Who says that Miss Lady Asrah Carim is a LONER ONE? NO WAY!

I was blind, I guess. I didn't see the real wealth that I have. I focused on myself and my heart. It doesn't mean that if I was left by Mark, i am now alone? That's silly. He's not my world. He doesn't even deserve it. Anyway, when I had myself hooked into a selfish relationship with Mark, there I was really alone. Because, I thought that I had no other friends aside form him, I had no family, well I have but I didn't know that then. It was a whole foolishness! My family was never gone, they were there to support me, and to advice and to try to tell me that I am in a deep problem, and I really was. I was just too naive to see that. I had my friends, waiting for me to come near them, but I didn't, I thought they were too far to reach, yet the fact was they were hoping that I would give them some attention. Myself? Where was my self? I agree that I lost my mind. I didn't love myself. I loved him more that I love ME. Insanity, right? Those times, I had him. But now, where is he? There, laughing at a corner, being proud that he got me served. And GOD? I thought He didn't care. I thought He would consider us. But thanks to Him, he took my feet out of the MUD.

Everything, when I was still with Mark, was with me. I have ALL THAT I NEED. I was just too selfish to turn away from them, for Mark's sake. Now, I still have that everything, except for the main reason that I took it for granted, the man that I loved, is now gone.


sEaRch foR aDriAs' swEetEst LovEtEaM '09

Last October 2009, we had our first family reunion, we were complete then, ten mama's children. That was a two-day celebration. The first day was held in our house, we had a simple lunch. We were given a chance to talk infront of the guests about how we feel that the dream reunion was there. Some cried, some didn't. Haha.

And the second day was held in the beach. Wapak! That was fun! Haha. We took pictures of ourselves emoting, posing wacky looks and etcetera. And I was the one who conducted the parlor games. Wohooo. We laughed and laughed and laughed. i was so happy that time.

And of course, since we are complete. We took the chance of having the three couples of our family. Here is the picture:

 ( Kuya Kox and Ate Che, Kuya Jan and Ate Jie, and Kuya Andoy and Ate Bebeth.)

Fabulous poses, right? And now, who's the sweetest pair? You judge =)