Friday, October 2, 2009

He's Coming Back: Tak's Version

He's coming back. My kuya Asong is coming back! Hurraayyy!!

See this picture on the opposite side? That's my ever-handsome kuya! Our brightest kuya and our strict-est kuya! Peace kuya?

Hmm. I am just very happy because atlast, our most genius brother is going to spend the time with us without a notebook infront of him. I am so excited because I know, we'll be having our bonding. Hurry kuya!

He addressed me as his SWEETEST SIS and that was so sweet too. I am touched and proud. Grabeh! Kuya is now a professional while me? A long way to go. But, he's our inspiration. We long to achieve what he's achieved. I want to go where he went. And I want to do what he did.

For you kuya, thank you so much for helping us. Without you, I doubt if it's going to be easy for us to study here. We owe you great things kuya. Always remember that God always provide our needs, just rejoice despite of the trials. Psalms 37:4, "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Once again, thank you kuya ko and WELCOME BACK.

I love you so much.

Your cutest sister,
