Saturday, November 21, 2009

He's GONE..

This guy with me in the picture is the first man I loved so much with all of my life. I loved him really and I still love him. That is why until now, I can't move-on. It hurts, so much to think that all of those things that we did for each other are gone. I did everything for him. We had our best and worst times together. I know him already, from inside and out. He's a kind of person that is really really hard to love but you will love to love him, especially when he loves you. Because when he does, he does everything for you. He doesn't think about himself, but about me all the time. I miss those moments that he was sleeping in my legs with his arms around my waist, staring at me while smiling and saying that he loves me so much. I miss those times that we eat our meals together and despite of all the trials of life, we can still laugh at the corner; never stop on making other feel how valuable he/she is. The time when he wore the ring on me while uttering the words, "I LOVE YOU". These words? They keep on whispering my ears, never refrained from making me long for him more and more.He was a funny kind of guy that though he's not talkative, you will enjoy his company. He loved me so much, I felt that. He always told me that he doesn't want to lose me and it's going to kill him. He did everything that could make me happy. From material to actual things, he was so sweet. He wanted to hold my hands always, when he held my hands, it was so tight that I can't even remove my hands from his. He didn't care if somebody sees us, if he wants to hug me; he does it sweetly and so tenderly. Even his parents did love me, they all showed me that they love me and they are always willing to help me. I was so happy, it was so perfect... 
Until now...
It's like a good dream that when I wake up, everything is so different yet the feeling is still there. Yes, I still love him so so so much! Our break up was the start of these miserable things that had happened to me. I still miss him and his memories. I think, those will remain in my heart forever because I will forever love him... maybe, though this time, maybe, he loves somebody else already.. Ouch, but, it's all my fault... i gave up, i didn't fight for him... i regret it... 
Part, mahal ko? Mahal parin talaga kita, I still love you and I miss you so much. Thanks for the moments you've shared with me, you became the most important person in my life and until now, you are still very important to me. You will always be my ONE and ONLY LOVE. I promised to love you forever, so I will love you forever... GOODBYE!

I couldn't hold, my tears now, I want to cry out loud. If only I could do that. I have nothing to say anymore, but two words: IT HURTS.