Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Boyfriend Is Forgetting Me

It hurts.
So much.

I opened my gmail account and i received a message from Mark's father and a message from his mother. I was excited upon reading it, they were so sweet. I felt like I am very special for them. They always say they love me and always willing to help me whenever i need them.


I read from his father's message that they were with Mark on the internet cafe. I was really hurt. I feel like something has struck my heart. And my smile suddenly disappeared from my face. I hate to think of it. He has forgotten to send me a message via e-mail. Or better call it, he NEVER sent me an e-mail. What does that mean? What did he do on the internet cafe? Chatting? Surfing on the friendster? For whom? For what?

Something is really strange. Maybe he's over me and tired of me. Maybe he's not interested in sending me an e-mail or it might be, he doesn't love me no more.

So painful.

I still love him. Though I sot a bit tired of us. But it's not my fault, I was just over with those crying days. However, he promised to come back here for me. But that's two months from now, and maybe next year. On this situation of ours, will we reach those times and we're still on? I can. But, can he?

I'm puzzled.
I want to talk to him.
But that's going to be so hard. He has no cellphone. But who cares? If he wants to communicate with me, he will find way to reach me. And he's not making a way.

OUCH again!!

Anyway, I'll let God control my life. I will just let His Will be done. Even though I am hurt now, the time will come that i'll be totally happy again.