Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm missing him badly. I am always like this, seeking for his comfort. Gosh! My heart's empty right now and he's the one it's waiting. I miss Mark so much. I miss the way he smiles at me, the way he touch my face, fix my hair, the way he talks to me, the way he walks, the things he does for me, like, coming over to my boarding house and wake me up, and we'll eat together, go to school together, hanging-out, shopping, playing, dancing.. EVERYTHING! And I don't know what to do. I don't want to call him because I think maybe it's time for him to do his part. But, until when shall I wait? It hurts. I hope he'll care to text or call me. He doesn't know how much I crave for his presence. I miss you part, please come back?!