Saturday, September 12, 2009

For My Dearest Mother

September 12, 2009

Dear Mama,

Have a good day!!

How are you this time ma? I really really hope that you are just fine. How's your cough ma? Are feeling well already? Don't you know that I miss you so much, ma?

Ma, thank you so much for being the best mom in the world, huh? I am very lucky because you are my mom, I'm so blessed that you bore me as your daughter, hehe.

Ma, I am sorry for all the lapses that i have done to you. I have hurt your heart ma, I am so so sorry. I never realized how much it would tear your heart, but ma, I regret that I have done it to you. I love you ma, very much. This time, I promise to be eager in my studies because I want you to be very proud of me.

Thank you ma, for all the sacrifices you have made. Even though papa is not here, you still found a way to save us, to bring us to school and up to college. I really treat that as a great debt of gratitude ma, I owe you a lot of things in my life.

Ma, please get well soon? I'll be praying for you. I want to see you again and I want that in that time, you are already well. I don't want you sick, I'm hurt also.

I love you so much ma!!

Very very much!!

Until here ma.

Your daughter,

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