Sunday, October 11, 2009


I'm missing him badly. I am always like this, seeking for his comfort. Gosh! My heart's empty right now and he's the one it's waiting. I miss Mark so much. I miss the way he smiles at me, the way he touch my face, fix my hair, the way he talks to me, the way he walks, the things he does for me, like, coming over to my boarding house and wake me up, and we'll eat together, go to school together, hanging-out, shopping, playing, dancing.. EVERYTHING! And I don't know what to do. I don't want to call him because I think maybe it's time for him to do his part. But, until when shall I wait? It hurts. I hope he'll care to text or call me. He doesn't know how much I crave for his presence. I miss you part, please come back?!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Since the day I met you, part;
And the day you became mine.
I already needed you as you are,
And let you love me as I am.

I know from the moment I hugged you.
That this feeling will choose to do
Do everything to have Cupid’s bow
Struck in your heart to love me too.

I already wrote several poems,
Words for you are seen in my room,
Shirt with our name was worn,
And those useless pasts were already torn.

You became my boyfriend and a best friend.
Whenever I needed you, you are suddenly there,
And treated my heart that's broken in despair.
You promised to be with me until the end.

Those days that we're still together?
My love was shown through my laughter.
Though pain were expressed by tears,
I know this love will never quit.

Though we also had our hard times,
In fact you and I intended to lie.
We've let ourselves go into a fight.
But after, take place the sweetness and smile.

Part, I thank you so..
For making me happy when I was blue.
And for doing everything I ask you,
For pleasing me always though you already do.

But like a fairytale, i think this is it.
In the challenge for us that life gave,
We have to be stronger than we'll ever be,
To surpass these trials of our elusive dreams.

My friend, my dad, my love;
You are the best that I have.
Go for gold, do a good job.
For me, for us, i know you can do that.

This poem was written for you to see,
That you are the best guy for me.
In the name of love, I want you to believe;

Friday, October 2, 2009

He's Coming Back: Tak's Version

He's coming back. My kuya Asong is coming back! Hurraayyy!!

See this picture on the opposite side? That's my ever-handsome kuya! Our brightest kuya and our strict-est kuya! Peace kuya?

Hmm. I am just very happy because atlast, our most genius brother is going to spend the time with us without a notebook infront of him. I am so excited because I know, we'll be having our bonding. Hurry kuya!

He addressed me as his SWEETEST SIS and that was so sweet too. I am touched and proud. Grabeh! Kuya is now a professional while me? A long way to go. But, he's our inspiration. We long to achieve what he's achieved. I want to go where he went. And I want to do what he did.

For you kuya, thank you so much for helping us. Without you, I doubt if it's going to be easy for us to study here. We owe you great things kuya. Always remember that God always provide our needs, just rejoice despite of the trials. Psalms 37:4, "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart." Once again, thank you kuya ko and WELCOME BACK.

I love you so much.

Your cutest sister,
