Sunday, January 3, 2010


Year 2009 has been so tough for me, almost all heartaches, problems and stressful stories are written here.

But not all..

Right after the MASH CHRONICLES, there came another guy. I've known him through texting. The story was, i wrote here that mark has found a new girl, and it was so freaking painful to me. After our last talk, I went to a friend's boarding house to enjoy myself and divert the pain. I asked her what to do. She gave me the number of her ex-suitor. So, because I wanna really have fun, I asked the number's owner to be my friend. And we became friends. Then, while we're on the middle of our texting, he asked me to help him know Jesus Christ. I got interested so without any hesitations, I asked him to meet me. We met at our campus. I was wearing yellow blouse and he's wearing a green jacket. I took the opportunity to share the Word of God to him and I've got him interested.

Then, we continued our meetings and texting. Until such time that we had our special bonding together. Like star gazing and malling. My plan was plainly discipleship but he has a different motive. That was to become my boyfriend. His name is Kenneth. One time, we shared each other's stories, I told him my past with Mark, almost everything. And he told me his. That he has a girlfriend, a nagger one, that he wants to take off his life and start another. You know, I cried so much when I told him my story and he was there to comfort me. After that, he never left me alone.

Until we became closer and closer. One time, we went to a beach here in GenSan and we had so much fun. And he confessed to me his feelings for me, he said he likes me and he wants me to be his boyfriend. But, he also told me that I should realize that he is Ken, not Mark. He said, I am seeking Mark from him. Anyway, my answer was YES.

Before I left GenSan for the Christmas Holiday, we were together, I was so happy while spending the night with him in Plaza. We did nothing but talk and talk and talk and eat. Haha. SWEAR!

But when I got home, a problem arose, his girlfriend and I had conflicts. Until such time that I broke up with Ken. Now, they are together again, because I gave way.

One thing I learned from my 10-days relationship with Ken is not to seek other's presence from a person, I should have accepted him as he was.

But I don't regret anything. I gained a friend after-all, his girlfriend, Crys.

Actually, this is a bit long story but it's getting late so I need to rest. I have a goal to attain. So, that's all, goodnight!

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